What is a Public Housing Certificate?

The Public Housing Authority is federal government with local branches that provides public-housing financial assistance to low-income individuals and families. Your local housing authority offers programs, such as the Section 8 Tenant-Based Rental Assistance Program, which includes certificates given to tenants of public housing. The certificate includes a certain amount of money that can be use to pay part of your rent. With public-housing certificates, you and your family have the choice of renting in public-housing developments or renting elsewhere. Learn more about public-housing certificates.
Locating a Unit
After receiving a certificate, you’re required to locate an affordable unit within 60 days. The Public Housing Authority may grant you an extension if you’re unable to find a rental property within the allotted time. The unit must meet Section 8 Housing Quality Standards. The property must meet Section 8 inspection requirements. Under the certificate program, you’re required to pay rent based on your monthly income. Your rent must not exceed 40 percent of your monthly income.
Tenant-Based Lease
Your tenant-based lease must be for a one-year term or more. The Public Housing Authority can approve a shorter term on certain circumstances, such as having a physical disability, which requires special accommodations.
Portable Certificate
A public-housing certificate is transferable. This means that your rental assistance is valid if you move to another state that also offers a certificate program. You don’t need to reapply in that state. The Public Housing Authority that initially issued your certificate may require that you live in your local area for 12 months before relocating.
Home Ownership Assistance
The Housing Reform Act has given Public Housing Authority permission to provide you and your family with assistance in buying a house when participating in the tenant-based program. You can receive certificates for assistance with closing costs, down payment or house repairs.
Chapter 9
Chapter 9 requires that a landlord who is participating in the public-housing certificate program is provided with an incentive. The incentive given to landlords is to provide housing for people that may have disabilities. The incentive consist of connecting the landlord’s rental property to the subsidy that is given to families. The tenants pay a certain amount for the rental property to public housing. Public housing then pays the landlords for their rental property.