Low Income Housing Archive

100 Square Ft Homes: Small Low Impact Housing

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The housing market is in free fall, the sub prime mortgage companies are folding, and disappearing into the sunset. New Mac Mansions sit empty for months on end, nobody can afford them anymore. So where’s a person to live. Full time RV’ing is an option, but they’re built so

Tiny Houses: An Alternative Housing Solution

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If you’re overburdened by a monster mortgage and are looking to downsize in preparation for retirement, consider the ultimate in downsizing: A Tiny House. Tiny Houses are springing up across the country as a viable housing alternative that really works for many people. Two inventive builders, Peter King, of

Find Low Income Housing in Ohio

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Are you a resident of Ohio who is looking for affordable low income housing? Residents of Ohio desperately need good, livable housing. With the recession going on, a lot of houses are vacant but not in livable condition. This limits the choices for available homes. Families who can’t afford

Low Income Housing

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Being disabled my husband and I reside in an apartment complex here in Kalamazoo, Michigan for low income people, mainly senior citizens with a few of us younger disabled folks. We are both in wheelchairs and both receive SSI so this apartment complex is one of few options open